We know all your dirty laundry, but that’s not enough for Sudsies.
We have always maintained that we are not in the dry cleaning business, but the people business. Humans need that social connection, and garments certainly aren’t going to talk with us (well, to most of us, anyway), which is why we aim to touch our customers in more ways than simple clean clothes. People like doing business with others they like and trust, two impressions that can be hard to earn and maintain. The best way to initiate that process: get to know them.

Getting to know you is to also to support you. Many of our clients are successful in their own jobs. We love not only hearing about their achievements, but like to commend them as well. Many times, Sudsies team members have written a manager a personal note or a positive online review when they’ve had a great experience working with them on the flip side as a customer. More so, some of our favorite restaurants, hotels, and retail stores were discovered because our clients suggest that we should check them out. There’s only so much we can learn about our customers at a dry cleaning facility, so we’re always happy to follow through on a recommendation to visit their turf.
Perhaps the best way we get to know you, however, is listening. So we’ll stop yacking here and invite you to submit your comments, feedback, achievements, favorite pizza topping, or whatever you wish to share to help us better serve you.