With today’s hectic lifestyles, who doesn’t appreciate a little added convenience and short-cuts here and there? However, sometimes the offer is indeed too good to be true. Sudsies has found this to be the case with the latest trend in wrinkle resistant claims for dress shirts.

sudsies dry cleans no iron shirts

According to Consumer Reports magazine, wrinkle-free finishes reduce the lifespan of a cotton garment by 20 to 25 percent. The National Cleaners Association (NCA), a professional trade group dedicated to the research and dissemination of the latest information about professional cleaning standards and consumer welfare, followed up on this claim, elaborating the problems associated with these types of items.

NCA Technical Director Alan Spielvogel explains that the formaldehyde resin finish used to help prevent wrinkles stiffens the fibers, making them weak against bending and chafing when laundered in water. Furthermore, Spielvogel, who oversees the Association’s garment laboratory analysis, says there is evidence of this same finish trapping in the residual chlorinated bleaching agents and acids used in the garment dyeing process. They are as harmful as they sound and are activated when in contact with hot water or high temps used during ironing. The result is holes, frays and other noticeable damage in as little as a few washings.

So while you may think wrinkle-free and other resistant garments may be a beneficial technology, it is actually costing you more money both in the short- and long-run. And quite frankly, it’s not saving you much time either if you consistently have to go shopping to replace damaged items. It’s disappointing to snag a new favorite shirt, only to have it become unwearable after a short time. Be aware that despite these drawbacks, untreated shirts are more of a rarity these days. As such, we suggest shopping at speciality stores or online sites for “resin free” options.

For those that still hate ironing, Sudsies aims to provide its clientele good-looking and eco-friendly cleaned garments WITH the added convenience of complimentary pick up and delivery from your location and schedule of choice. Furthermore, our services include providing you the most updated information about garment and cleaning trends such as this, so that you can make informed decisions when purchasing your wardrobe. To make your experience with Sudsies even more special, we always throw in free smiles.

For the full press release of the NCA’s wrinkle-free warnings, click here.